
Dit is wat enkele van mijn klanten zeggen over onze samenwerking:

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Bram, your coaching has been transformative for me. Over the past three months, your inside-out approach helped me open new channels of energy and dig deeper into myself. I've gained confidence, strength, and clarity in building my business and living my mission.

I highly recommend Bram to anyone seeking transformation. His wholehearted approach will help you uncover and bring your story to life. Working with him has been invaluable, and I am sure others will receive immense value too.

Thank you again, Bram, for everything. Your support has been a blessing, and I look forward to continuing this journey.


Emily Rosales C.

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I feel deeply grateful to have met Bram. Initially, we were part of the same coaching program, aimed at growing our individual practices. It fostered a deep connection where we learned from each other within the group.

After a few months, I realized that to achieve my aspirations in life and in my coaching business, I needed to work with a coach. That's when I reached out to Bram, having witnessed his transformative impact on others.

Bram possesses a rare ability to unearth the deepest feelings, wishes, and questions that lie within a person. Over six months of working together, I have experienced some of the most powerful and transformative conversations of my life.

I’m grateful for his support in uncovering the hidden realities within me. While my initial goal was to become better organized and to grow my coaching business, I hadn’t fully recognized the deep connection between my past experiences, my then realities, and what I had to do to change my own narratives. Bram guided me towards self-forgiveness and empowered me to dream bigger, affirming that I had the resources to achieve any desired outcome.

Thanks to his coaching and our collaborative efforts, I’ve grown to be a better man, a more insightful coach, and I've gained a profound understanding of myself. Working with Bram has honed my focus on my clients, deepening my ability to listen earnestly to both the spoken word and the unspoken emotions in my coaching sessions.

This coaching program is for anyone who believes there’s more to unearth within themselves and is ready to fully develop their gifts. Working with Bram, you won’t just receive what you thought you needed—you’ll gain more than you imagined possible. Bram gifts you with his presence in each coaching session... The best way to thank him is to live a life enriched by what we've crafted together, nurturing my soul with the discoveries made at his side.

Christian Mbuyi Executive Coach for HR Leaders

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My conversations with Bram have always been powerful, insightful, and very inspiring.

He has a way of seeing beyond your words and helping you connect with deeper truths, always supporting the growth of those around him. He is kind, empathic, encouraging, compassionate, humble, and very wise, which makes you open completely, as you feel safe and supported no matter the issue you want to bring to the table.

I was still working to develop a deeper connection with myself, looking for a doorway to discovering my most honest desire to help and contribute to the world. In one very powerful individual session, and after months of connecting in a group setting, Bram helped me put my emotions and desires into words, in a way that brought me to tears. Finally looking at the potential was so empowering, so powerful, after decades of hesitation and procrastination, that I am now acting with purpose and with a clear and defined goal ahead, a goal that still makes me feel chills down my back; I feel I’m finally home, in connection and acknowledgment of my dharma.

I am deeply grateful to Bram, for sharing his time, his energy, his wisdom, and his intuition, in every instance. It has been a gift to meet him and share my dreams and challenges with him.

Adriana A.

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Before talking with Bram I felt stressed, frustrated and a bit lost.

I was on an internal quest to find where I belonged in the world. To find my purpose, but kept hitting dead ends. The first thing we did in the session was a short meditation that helped me calm my thoughts, it felt nice to relax in a way I hadn't in a while. Going into my topic of choice Bram had so many of the right questions and visuals to guide me through some very difficult thoughts and I was able to gain clarity on beliefs that were blocking me from seeing what I needed to see.

One of the things I loved most about working with Bram was he was able to take what I was trying to say and unscramble it. When you don't know what you are looking for but try to explain it out loud sometimes it's unclear, he was able to cut through the mess of it and make sense! After the call, the first thing I did was tell my husband how amazing it felt to have so much clarity and that he needed to book a call with him!

I would recommend to anyone that is searching for a clear direction in any aspect of life to talk with Bram. He has such a great heart and you can feel he truly cares about the people around him!

Michelle C.

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He guided the flow with a beautiful mix of firm & casual energy, leading the process with ease, grace & efficiency.

Having been a member of Bram's group of practice for some time, I was quite curious to see our host in a formal session. Bram was excellent, as expected. He guided the flow with a beautiful mix of firm & casual energy, leading the process with ease, grace & efficiency.

He helped me get some precious clarity about my Life Purpose. Thanks to him, I went from an “opposition” intention to a “liberating” one. He helped me rephrase my calling with more positive words, which led to shifting its energy & its envisioned outcome. I'm really grateful, thank you Bram!

Kevin M.

Hanna K.

Before my session with Bram I felt uncomfortable thinking and talking about money, but I didn’t really know why. I also felt some resistance to making my offerings to clients.

During the session I felt heard, seen and Bram took me on a journey through my body and unconscious mind to really go deep and find the root cause of my money- mindset.

In the end I truly felt a shift happen and during the week after our session I got some real life results by booking two new clients! I think the results speak for itself!

I would recommend Bram for anyone who seeks to overcome their money-stories and make a real change!”

Hanna K.

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Before the session, I felt energetic/mindset blocks towards the money energy and couldn't put a finger on a particular cause of it. I was confused and curious. I thought I was directly blocking it in some way in my life, despite trying my best to figure the cause out. What stood out for me working with Bram was his approach of not only holding a safe space(allowing me to express myself freely) but also reflecting back the truth to me at the same time in an upfront, positive manner. It was a balanced & engaging session where we dove into various layers which made me have personal revelations, even long after the session.

I really think only a good coach is able to hit the right spots(even the ones which might not be an important topic for that particular session in the client's eye, but they come in as everything is connected) and for me, that happened with my session with Bram. As we worked mainly through my money mindset, so many other things(baby traumas, fear of judgment and abandonment, self-love, authenticity, diving deeper, prioritizing name a few) were brought to the surface as well, which directly or indirectly affected my relationship with the 'abundance energy' in totality. To have that realization was big for me and took me some time to connect all the dots. I was able to have a fresh perspective and could plan for my set goals with a grounded, open headspace. The suggestions from him towards the end of the session sat beautifully with both my mind and heart. It was the perfect balance of a safe container, powerful questioning + attentive listening, and sharing authentic feedback I believe worked the best for me. It turned out to be a transformational session for sure!

Antriksha B.