My Story



Everything you see here is not JUST about me. It is about you.


The state where everything else becomes blurry, except for the thing you are focussing on. You forget to eat, sleep, or do anything but the activity you are focussing on. Completely present. Kids live in this state almost all the time…
This is the goal, it will bring you the most joy and a productive outcome.


I want you to be able to do things on your terms. You are the main character in your life story.
To me, freedom means thinking and moving without limitations.
To do what your heart truly desires
Having the power to create your own existence in this world
The freedom to do with your time what you want.


Care for your health, you can’t flow through life with a broken vehicle. For me this is all about routines we’ll define together.


I believe everyone has a purpose in their life, but it’s a choice everyone has to walk that path or walk another one. I believe it’s your personal choices in life, that define where you will end up in life.
Knowing that what I'm doing in life contributes to the world. That what I do makes life meaningful.
Helping people connect to (what I call), their "dreamself"


I want to be sure, that I’m passionate about everything I’m doing. There is a fire inside of you that I want to help spark.


It’s my goal to become 1% better every day. It’s a steep curve, but I feel confident it’s possible. Looking back at all the life goals I’ve hit in my life, I can proudly say. I’m really satisfied with where I am, yet hungry for more!


You show up as your real self. No space here for acting fake, or trying to prove you are better than someone else.


My family, daughters, friends, parents, and my close network. Mean everything to me. I practice every day to make these more than just words.


Freedom to express yourself in the way that you feel is best for you.
Freedom to have a different opinion while still respecting each other.
Freedom brings happiness - you have the freedom to become the happiest you can as life today allows it.
Freedom brings power - The power to choose for yourself and what kind of life you desire
Freedom brings accountability. You stand behind your decisions

The 5 freedoms as I’ve got them taught by a coach I worked with:

  • The freedom of time - fill time as you choose to
  • The freedom of money - no worries about paying the bills at the end of the month
  • The freedom of location - are you living where you want? Traveling where you want?
  • The freedom of relationships - are you having the fulfilling relationships as you want them
  • The freedom of purpose - the life purpose you choose for yourself, that comes from within you.


Quit my “perfect job” - I quit my consulting job when everyone told me I was crazy to do so.

Startups - I’ve had the opportunity to work on so many different ideas with so many different people. I’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t. How people work together efficiently AND effectively.

Consulting - I’ve started a very profitable consulting business, that gives me financial stability and freedom.

I’ve started my own startup - teaching kids how to code. It wasn’t the success that I had hoped for when I started, but I’ve learned more from those experiences than I can ever put into words.


It’s my personal goal, to become 1% better every day. In one area of my life. That comes through the feedback I get from my environment. And the things I see in my life, that I like to improve. I’m always open to feedback!

I learned so much about so many different areas in life. Partly by being so interested in so many things in life.


I grew up in a family with a big money theme, as did many. 
One of the beliefs, we never had enough.
Both my parents worked in the social sector, which isn’t known for high wages.

Finding a highly financially rewarding situation. Getting raises at work. 


I didn’t really enjoy school as some did. It teaches to the average student, but there is no average student in the class. 

It doesn’t prepare you for society and the world today. And at best, it does the bare minimum of the elements.
When have you been taught about money? About developing yourself? About your own interests?

It is a great system for people that need to listen to a “boss” and a factory. We are still using the same methods in school. 


How I explain spirituality might be different than other people.

For me, it’s admitting there is something greater than we can see, feel, hear, smell or touch. A connection with something greater than life connects us all with our essence.

I'm an open book when it comes to my experiences, feel free to shoot me an email to ask for more information!